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A digital mosaic of Steve Jobs, made out of Apple gadgets , has been created by Greek designer Charis Tsevis

 苹果产品组成的乔布斯头像—Charis Tsevis

Nineteen-year-old Jonathan Mak, a student at Hong Kong's Polytechnic University School of Design, came up with the idea of incorporating Steve Jobs' silhouette into the bite of the Apple logo, symbolising both Jobs' departure and lingering presence at the core of the company


19岁的香港理工大学设计学院学生Jonathan Mak制作的加上了乔布斯剪影的苹果公司logo。


Here's a portrait of Steve Jobs made out of parts of a Macbook, issued by Mint Digital


网络设计公司Mint Digital用macbook pro的零件拼出的乔布斯头像。


Tom Gaffney, 21, carved a portrait of Steve Jobs into an apple, before laying his tribute outside the Apple store in Birmingham. Tom, from Burton, Staffordshire, worked into the early hours on his tribute. He said: 'I'm a big fan of his work. He's a genius and an influence to so many people.'


在一颗苹果上雕出乔布斯头像的21岁青年Tom Gaffney


Bluewater Productions and Paperless Publishing have decided to publish a comic book biography of Steve Jobs. It will be available as an e-book this week on the NOOK and Kindle. The 32-page issue is drawn by Chris Schmidt (with cover art supplied by DC artist Joe Phillips). The standard edition will be available in comic shops, bookstores and various online venues including Amazon from October 27.


为纪念乔布斯,Bluewater漫画公司决定出版一本他的卡通传记。这本32页传记由Chris Schmidt操刀,电子版本周就可以通过NOOK跟Kindle购买,实体书则将在10月27日于各大漫画店、书店以及Amazon在内的零售店上架。


Here's another mosaic created by Charis Tsevis, using images of iPhones, MacBooks and iPods


另一个用苹果产品以及软件组成的乔布斯头像,作者是Charis Tsevis。


A restaurant worker shows off an apple-shaped pizza as a tribute to Steve Jobs in Naples




A man displays a paper cut portrait of Steve Jobs in Jinan, Shandong province, China




A man places an iPad displaying a picture of Steve Jobs around candles forming the logo of Apple, the company he co-founded, in Chengdu in southwestern China's Sichuan province




Many people have chosen to express their sorrow in a simple, yet fitting, way - by leaving an apple with a bite taken out of it outside an Apple Store. These one were seen outside an Apple Store in London.



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